Thursday, August 20, 2009

Wee Steam

So apparently, Valve's giving away HL2:DM and HL2:Lost Coast (Essentially Valve showing off their sexy rendering) for free to people with ATI and nVidia Graphics cards.
For once, having a laptop paid off. :D
So now I have 'em.
If anyone cares, my Steam ID is here.

Also, eat sum video.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Wee, ads.
I've been doing a lot of advertising (Linking in the welcome on my server, mentioning it to others, posting on forums, etc.), so no SOMEONE will read this (Yeah you!).
I've also decided there will be at least one daily video.
And as such...

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Name: Matt Houser
Alias: .::Taboo::. , Nivek , Iji , MattH
I Play: Blockland (Go figure, right?) , GMod , TeeWorlds , and CS:2D
Website: GUESS.
Age: 23 (Wee, I'm not a Pedo. :D)
Occupation: Freelance artist and programmer.
Other: This is obligatory post. CHEN, SHUT I'm PISS.

Play me off, Heavy mah bro.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Protips on my CTF Build

1. You can identify some class by their size, which should be easy enough to guess.

2. Right next to the vehicle spawn, there are two buttons. The "J" button spawns a Jeep, and the "H" button spawns (hentai?) a horse.

3. Considering how easy spawn killing is, just go! But don't camp out behind their spawn. Just snipe and/or nade.

4. The mines, do little to no damage, unless you just stand on them, in which case, you dead.

5. You can use the mines to jump higher. Although Scouts will be too fast and will be out of the blast range, by the time it blows.

6. Hahah, blows.

7. The AS-KR1 can indeed be used to really kick ass, as at close range it blows heads off, and at long range, it rapes people. Don't forget, primary fire is the asault rifle, and secondary fire is the shotgun. It may take a few seconds to fire the shotgun.

8. Blue Team has only won 6 times, in the 2 months I've been hosting this build.

9. The timescale is set to .7 as an anti-lag.
Slower time + Lots of explosions, gibs, and projectiles = More time for Torque to work = Significantly less lag/Slowdown.
Wee, equations.

10. Shoot shit, and don't die.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Oh Dear

The Retail forums have crashed.
Now how am I supposed to amuse myself?
I suppose I'mma dick around in GMod (The entire reason I got banned! :D)

If You're Actually Reading This

I'd like to say, if you'er actually reading this, please bring it up in the Portal Turret thread or the Make Me Draw Stuff For You thread, so people know where to find stuff.
Also, if you'll notice, I added an adorable Miku Clock last night.
I'm not a weaboo or anything.
Pandan's prolly pleased.

Monday, August 10, 2009

About My Portal Turret

If anyone cares (And I know you do, I was just reading the topic), my Portal turret model is raping the textures.
As a matter of fact I plan on redoing the whole thing sometime, maybe over these two weeks.

I'm Bored

Reading the Drama forum is becoming boring because I can't call people idiots, and it's a slow day since those kids are starting school....

Oh, and I also found GMod is a reliable provider of furries.
Who woulda thunk it?

Play me off, keyboard cat.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

This Is My Blog

Inevitably, I got banned from the Blockland forums.
This is how I plan to kill time, since drama was my original method of wasting hours with laughs (And the occasional raeg keyboard smash rawr).
I'll also be posting the related art from my Make Me Draw Stuff For You thread on the forums.


I should note that I already drew this here.

Anywho, more shit coming... eventually.