Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Protips on my CTF Build

1. You can identify some class by their size, which should be easy enough to guess.

2. Right next to the vehicle spawn, there are two buttons. The "J" button spawns a Jeep, and the "H" button spawns (hentai?) a horse.

3. Considering how easy spawn killing is, just go! But don't camp out behind their spawn. Just snipe and/or nade.

4. The mines, do little to no damage, unless you just stand on them, in which case, you dead.

5. You can use the mines to jump higher. Although Scouts will be too fast and will be out of the blast range, by the time it blows.

6. Hahah, blows.

7. The AS-KR1 can indeed be used to really kick ass, as at close range it blows heads off, and at long range, it rapes people. Don't forget, primary fire is the asault rifle, and secondary fire is the shotgun. It may take a few seconds to fire the shotgun.

8. Blue Team has only won 6 times, in the 2 months I've been hosting this build.

9. The timescale is set to .7 as an anti-lag.
Slower time + Lots of explosions, gibs, and projectiles = More time for Torque to work = Significantly less lag/Slowdown.
Wee, equations.

10. Shoot shit, and don't die.

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